Living and Speaking From Source the Way Children Do! : Mystic Musings from the Zen Room

Living and Speaking From Source the Way Children Do!

by Valerie O'Brien on 05/07/11

Not too long ago I was teaching a Reiki Level II course and I have to be totally honest and admit that I was learning as much if not more during that course.  Anyone who has taken any of my Reiki courses knows that I utilize the extensive training material I have compiled over the years along with many antidotes and experiences I have had along the way that may pertain to what I am teaching/discussing during the course.  Well this time I was stumbling over my material, not quite sure what was happening... and so apologized for what appeared (to me anyway) to be a novices attempt at teaching...when one of my Reiki Students commented that I should just speak from Source...and let it flow from there. Now this struck me so strongly....because I have always believed in that and even teach it to my students...and here was one of my students teaching it back to about a universal kick to step out of the way and allow it to flow from source.

How often do we complicate things when all we have to really do is speak and live our lives from Source...the inner knowing...the connection we all have to the Divine...the Universal well of Knowledge. When life starts to seem like a struggle...step back and figure out what it is you are fighting. Because ultimately it is you who is creating the is ment to flow and when it does not, then there are blocks that need to come just have to figure out what it is you are blocking and why....learn, heal, let go and move foreward.   I know it sounds so simple, but again (I do repeat myself alot! :) life is not meant to be is not meant to be a is meant to simply flow. 

I taught a Reiki-Kids course in March, and had one young 10 year old boy who at the end of the course asked (very politely and seriously), "is this it Val?".  I couldn't help smiling when I asked him what he meant...and his response was..."is it really this easy to learn Reiki". Now I started to laugh, as I nodded vigorously..."yes it really is this easy to learn Reiki", I responded. "So why does it take grown-ups twice as long to learn it", he continued to question.  My Adult Reiki programs usually run a full 8 hour day for each level and 12 hours for the Master level. The Reiki-Kids courses are half that long at only 4 hours...why you ask (like the young boy), well Kids tend to live their lives from source without question...they just know stuff (any parent who has ever said something to their child and heard the response "I know" a million times...knows what I mean). Children rarely put the blocks up adults do, because they trust where their knowledge...their knowing comes from...where we the grown-ups tend to question everything and love to doubt ourselves and our abilities. Children get it faster because they are living and speaking from is as easy as that!  Another example of a child being connected to source is when my daughter Erin was only 8 years old (many years ago) and it had been about a year after her dad had passed away. I was meeting her at the bus stop and on our walk back to our home she stopped in our driveway and said to me out of the blue "you know Mom, Dad's death is just another piece to the puzzle, we just are not meant to see the whole puzzle right now". She then skipped on down the rest of the driveway, knowing she had said what needed to be said and trusted I would understand. She was right, it had just taken me a bit longer to realize that I was not meant to see the whole puzzle right now, and I had allowed that to create a struggle/block in my life. So I went into grief counselling to take down that block and rejoin the flow...the same flow that Erin had never left because even though she grieved for her dad and missed him, she never stopped trusting in the bigger picture, the one where some day all the pieces would be in place to that puzzle and we would gaze upon it and go "oh, I understand now"!

So step back... take a deep breathe... and when you are ready, move foreward into the universal flow that connects us all and if you are really open maybe you can learn a thing or two from your children...the wise little souls that they are!

Namaste and many Blessings, Val

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OUR DEEPEST FEAR...written by Marianne Williamson in "A Return to Love"

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.       It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? 
Actually, who are you not to be? 
You are a child of God/Divine Light. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure about you. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us: it's in everyone.
And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

​**This is one of my very favorite quotes written by a very gifted woman...if you are not familiar with Marianne may just want to explore her won't be sorry you did! In light & love, Val

Mystic Musings from the Zen Room... 
Only old posts available at this time. Hopefully new posts will magically appear in this New Decade!
Blessings & Stay Awesome!