**All my Healing session work will be available as Distance Healing...I will offer  Distant... *Traditional Reiki, *Crystal Reiki with Sound Therapy & *Reiki Shaman Session work as well as Distant Home/Work & Land Clearings & Blessings...
**Note**  At this time I will not be available for in-person session work...my life has shifted to a new home and a more nomadic lifestyle that allows me to continue my distance healing work.

Wishing everyone many Reiki Healing blessings of good health, wellness, harmony, & calm. Stay Grounded and Centred.

From Mother Earth to my Heart to yours...Val ❤️

The Reiki Principles  
written in the I Am format...
by Val O'Brien 

*Just for today I Am joyful & happy
*Just for today I Am peaceful, calm & loving
*Just for today I Am honest & hardworking
*Just for today I Am grateful for my many blessings
*Just for today I Am kind to all living things
*Just for today - I AM

Reiki Hugs &
Blessings, Val